Eliasis PHP Framework

Eliasis PHP Framework / documentation · version 1.1.3


Eliasis is an open-source HMVC web framework for development dynamic web sites with PHP. Lightweight, modular and optimized for the development of WordPress plugins.

Getting Started #back to top


This framework is supported by PHP versions 5.6 or higher and is compatible with HHVM versions 3.0 or higher.


You can install Eliasis PHP Framework into your project using Composer. If you're starting a new project, we recommend using the basic app as a starting point:

                                    composer create-project --prefer-dist eliasis-framework/app
                                    cd app
                                    composer install

For existing applications you can run the following:

                                    composer require eliasis-framework/eliasis

The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code, including tests, vendor folder, exceptions not used, docs, etc, you can use:

                                    composer require eliasis-framework/eliasis-framework --prefer-source

Basic structure

You just need a PHP file in which you include the autoloader of classes of Composer to get started to create your first application with Eliasis Framework.

                                     * my-custom-app.php
                                    require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

The basics #back to top

Create application

To create an application with Eliasis simply:

                             * my-custom-app.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;


If no ID is specified, the default identifier of the application will be "Default".

Methods referred to in this section:

App identifier

The identifier supports the following class conventions: UpperCamelCase, lowerCamelCase & snake_case.

Application identifiers allow you to create multiple applications on a same website avoiding collisions between them and facilitating access to them from anywhere:

                            App::run(__DIR__, 'app', 'MyApplication');

Ideally designed to use different instances of Eliasis Framework in multiple WordPress plugins running at the same time:

                             * wp-content/plugins/my-first-plugin/my-first-plugin.php
                            require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            App::run(__DIR__, 'wordpress-plugin', 'MyFirstPlugin');
                             * wp-content/plugins/my-second-plugin/my-second-plugin.php
                            require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            App::run(__DIR__, 'wordpress-plugin', 'MySecondPlugin');

Methods referred to in this section:

Multiple applications

You have two options to jump from one application to another. Passing the application ID as a method (recommended):

                            App::MyFirstApp->getCurrentID(); // MyFirstApp

                            App::MySecondApp->getCurrentID(); // MySecondApp

Or through the App::setCurrentID() method:


                            App::getCurrentID(); // MyFirstApp

                            App::getCurrentID(); // MySecondApp

If you only use one application on the website, there is no need to specify or set the application ID.

Methods referred to in this section:

Configuration files

The application will collect all configuration files found in the "config" directory:

Configuration files must return an indexed array and they may contain any kind of data:

                             * config/settings.php

                            return [
                                'slug' => 'my-custom-app',
                                'email' => [
                                    'rol' => [
                                        'admin' => 'admin@site.com',
                                        'editor' => 'editor@site.com'
                             * config/paths.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            return [
                                'path' => [
                                    'layout' => App::ROOT() . 'src/template/layout/',
                                    'page'   => App::ROOT() . 'src/template/page/',

Topics referred to in this section:

Getting options

To obtain the configuration parameters from the application you have several options.

Passing the index as a method:




                            App::email('rol', 'admin');

Using the "getOption()" method:



                            App::getOption('email', 'rol');

                            App::getOption('email', 'rol', 'admin');

Passing the application ID as method and using the "getOption()" method:



                            App::MyCustomApp()->getOption('email', 'rol');

                            App::MyCustomApp()->getOption('email', 'rol', 'admin');

Either of the three options will return the same result:

                            string(13) "my-custom-app"

                            array(1) {
                                ["rol"] => array(1) {
                                    ["admin"] => string(14) "admin@site.com"

                            array(1) {
                                ["admin"] => string(14) "admin@site.com"

                            string(14) "admin@site.com"

Methods referred to in this section:


The controllers must be placed in the "src/Controller" directory of the application:

The basic controller structure in Eliasis Framework is as follows:

                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            namespace App\Controller;

                            use Eliasis\Framework\Controller;

                            class Home extends Controller


Controller instances

You can easily access a controller instance from anywhere in the application using the "App:: getControllerInstance() "method".

The "App::getControllerInstance()" method uses the namespaces stored in "App::namespaces()" to get the instances of the drivers, therefore they must have been previously added in the "config/namespaces.php" file:

                             * config/namespaces.php
                            return [
                                'namespaces' => [
                                    'controller' => 'App\\Controller\\'

Or through the "App::setOption()" method:

                            App::setOption('namespaces', [
                                'controller' => 'App\\Controller\\'

To get the instance you simply have to indicate the class name of the driver class and the ID of the namespace. This last parameter is optional, although it is advisable to use it when repeating class names:

                            App::getControllerInstance('Home', 'controller');

Methods referred to in this section:


The models must be created in the application's "src/Model" directory, be at the same level as the controller and have the same name:

The basic model structure in Eliasis Framework is as follows:

                             * src/Model/Home.php
                            namespace App\Model;

                            use Eliasis\Framework\Model;

                            class Home extends Model

When you instantiate a controller, the model is automatically instantiated if it exists. Can access the model instance from the controller using the "model" attribute in the controller methods:

                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            public function createTables()
                                return $this->model->createTables();


The templates can be created in any directory although it is recommended to create them in the "src/template" directory:

Basic templates structure:

                             * src/template/layout/header.php
                             * Header content.
                             * src/template/page/home.php
                             * Home page content.
                             * src/template/layout/footer.php
                             * Footer content.

You can access the view instance from the controller using the "view" attribute in the controller methods.
Use the "renderizate" method to render templates and send you custom parameters:

                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            public function render()
                                $page = App::path('page');

                                $layout = App::path('layout');

                                $this->view->renderizate($layout, 'header', ['data' => 'Header']);

                                $this->view->renderizate($page, 'home', ['data' => 'Home']);

                                $this->view->renderizate($layout, 'footer', ['data' => 'Footer']);

From each template you will be able to use the options sent from the "renderizate" method through the "View::getOption()" method:

                             *  src/template/layout/header.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\View;

                            View::getOption('data'); // Header
                             *  src/template/page/home.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\View;

                            View::getOption('data'); // Home
                             *  src/template/layout/footer.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\View;

                            View::getOption(); // ['data' => 'Footer']

Methods referred to in this section:

Predefined paths

List of "constants" for path management:

                            App::ROOT();       # /root/

                            App::CORE();       # /root/vendor/eliasis-framework/eliasis/

                            App::PUBLIC();     # /root/public/

                            App::TEMPLATES();  # /root/templates/

                            App::MODULES();    # /root/modules/

                            App::PLUGINS();    # /root/plugins/

                            App::COMPONENTS(); # /root/components/

You can also access these parameters through the different methods available in Eliasis.

Topics referred to in this section:

Predefined URLs

List of "constants" for URLs management:

                            App::PUBLIC_URL();     # https://site.com/root/public/

                            App::TEMPLATES_URL();  # https://site.com/root/templates/

                            App::MODULES_URL();    # https://site.com/root/modules/

                            App::PLUGINS_URL();    # https://site.com/root/plugins/

                            App::COMPONENTS_URL(); # https://site.com/root/components/

You can also access these parameters through the different methods available in Eliasis.

Topics referred to in this section:

App class #back to top


Application initializer.

                            App::run($baseDirectory, $type, $id);
Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$baseDirectory Root directory. string yes
$type Application type: "app" | "wordpress.plugin". string no "app"
$id Unique id for the application. string no "Default"

@return (boolean true)

Run application:


Run application with specific ID:

                            App::run(__DIR__, 'app', 'FirstApplication')

Run WordPress plugin with specific ID:

                            App::run(__DIR__, 'wordpress-plugin', 'FirstApplication')

You can find more information in the sections:


Set application options.

                            App::setOption($option, $value);
Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$option Option name. string yes
$value Option value. mixed yes

@return (mixed) → Option set.

Set options:

                            App::setOption('string-test', 'string');

                            App::setOption('int-test', 8);
                            App::setOption('bool-test', true);
                            App::setOption('array-test', []);

Set options from multiple applications:

                            App::MyApplicationOne()->setOption('test', 'One');

                            App::MyApplicationTwo()->setOption('test', 'Two');

                            App::setOption('test', 'Three');

                            App::MyApplicationFour()->setOption('test', 'Four');


You can find more information in the sections:


Get application options.

Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$params Index or indexes of the parameter to be obtained. array yes

@return (mixed) → Requested parameters.

Get options:


                            App::getOption('index', 'index-1');

                            App::getOption('index', 'index-1', 'index-2');

Get options from multiple applications:





You can find more information in the sections:


Get controller instance.

                            App::getControllerInstance($class, $namespace);
Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$class Class name. string yes
$namespace Namespace index. string no ''

@return (object|false) → Class instance or false.

Get controller instance:


                            App::getControllerInstance('Home', 'controller');

You can find more information in the sections:


Define the current application ID.

Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$id Application ID. string yes

@return (boolean)

Define the current application ID:



You can find more information in the sections:


Get the current application ID.


@return (string) → Application ID.

Get the current application ID:


You can find more information in the sections:

View class #back to top


Get View instance.


@return (object)

Get View instance:



Add HTTP header to headers array.

Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$header HTTP header. string yes

@return (boolean true)

Add header:

                            View::addHeader('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');

You can find more information in the sections:


Add an array with headers to the view.

Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$headers HTTP headers. array yes

@return (boolean true)

Add headers:

                                'WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate',
                                'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'

You can find more information in the sections:


Send headers.


@return (boolean)

You can find more information in the sections:


Render templates.

                            View::renderizate($path, $file, $data);
Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$path Filepath. string yes
$file Filename. string yes
$data Options for view. array no null

@return (boolean true)

Render template:

                            View::renderizate('path/to/file', 'template-name');

Render template with custom parameters:

                                ['test' => 'value']

You can find more information in the sections:


Get options.

Atttribute Description Data type Required Default
$params Index or indexes of the parameter to be obtained. array yes

@return (mixed) → Requested parameters.

Get options:


                            View::getOption('index', 'index-1');

                            View::getOption('index', 'index-1', 'index-2');

You can find more information in the sections:

Components #back to top

You'll need to install the eliasis-framework/complement to create components.

                            composer require eliasis-framework/complement

Modules #back to top

You'll need to install the to create modules.

                            composer require eliasis-framework/complement

Plugins #back to top

You'll need to install the to create plugins.

                            composer require eliasis-framework/complement

Templates #back to top

You'll need to install the to create templates.

                            composer require eliasis-framework/complement

Additional libraries #back to top

Eliasis Framework is focused on scalability, allowing you to develop from an application with a simple controller to a complete system.

To do this, it offers a series of optional libraries that when installed in your project are integrated into the core of Eliasis:


Library for handling styles and scripts; Add, minify, unify and print.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Asset

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.

Add scripts and styles to the application settings:

                             * config/assets.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            $public = App::PUBLIC_URL();

                            return [
                                'assets' => [
                                    'js' => [
                                        'myCustomScript' => [
                                            'name'    => 'myCustomScript',
                                            'url'     =>  $public . 'js/scripts.js',
                                            'attr'    => 'defer',
                                            'version' => '1.1.3',
                                            'footer'  => false
                                    'css' => [
                                        'myCustomStyle' => [
                                            'name'    => 'myCustomStyle',
                                            'url'     => $public . 'css/styles.css',
                                            'version' => '1.1.1'

Add styles:

                             * public/css/styles.css
                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;

                            public function css()

Add scripts:

                             * public/js/scripts.js
                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;

                            public function js()

To minimize and|or unify scripts and styles just place the following command before being added:

                             * my-custom-app.php
                            use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;

                            $public = App::PUBLIC_URL();

                            Asset::unify('UniqueID', $public . '/', true);


Library for add addition of complements on Eliasis.

To install, simply:

                            composer require eliasis-framework/complement

This library is instantiated directly by Eliasis.

Topics referred to in this section:

Library for handling cookies.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Cookie

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


API Requests using the HTTP protocol through the cURL library.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Curl

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


SQL database management library.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Database

Eliasis will connect to the database using the first configuration found in the app configuration parameter "db":

                             * config/database.php
                            return [
                                'db' => [
                                    'app' => [
                                        'provider' => 'PDOprovider',
                                        'host' => 'localhost',
                                        'user' => 'db_user',
                                        'name' => 'db_name',
                                        'password' => 'db_password',
                                        'settings' => ['charset' => 'utf8'],
                                    'api-rest' => [
                                        'provider' => 'PDOprovider',
                                        'host' => 'localhost',
                                        'user' => 'db_user',
                                        'name' => 'db_name',
                                        'password' => 'db_password',
                                        'settings' => ['charset' => 'utf8'],

You can access the database instance using the "db" attribute in the models methods. To change the database connection simply use the "changeDatabaseConnection()" model method.

                             * src/Model/Home.php
                            namespace App\Model;

                            use Eliasis\Framework\Model;

                            class Home extends Model
                                public function createTables()
                                    $params = [
                                        'id'    => 'INT(6) PRIMARY KEY',
                                        'name'  => 'VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL',
                                        'email' => 'VARCHAR(50)'

                                             ->actions('ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE')


Library for handling exceptions and errors.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/ErrorHandler

This library is instantiated directly by Eliasis.

You can set custom methods that will be called when there is an error or exception:

                             * my-custom-app.php
                             $instance = App::getControllerInstance('Home', 'controller');
                             $method = 'errorHandler';

                            ErrorHandler::setCustomMethod($instance, $method);


Library for file management.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/File

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for handling hooks.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Hook

When installing this library, Eliasis will load the action hooks found in the index "hooks" of the configuration files:

                             * config/set-hooks.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            $namespace = App::namespaces('controller');

                            $class =  $namespace . 'Home';

                            return [
                                'hooks' => [
                                    ['header', [$class, 'header'], 8, 0],
                                    ['footer', [$class, 'footer'], 8, 0],
                                    ['css', [$class, 'css'], 8, 0],
                                    ['js',  [$class, 'js'], 8, 0],

Add the methods to the controller:

                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            public function header()
                                return '
'; } public function footer() { return '
'; }

And they run anywhere in the application:

                             *  src/template/layout/header.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\View;
                            use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;


                             *  src/template/page/home.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\View;
                            use Josantonius\Hook\Hook;




Library to get the meaning from HTTP response status codes.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/HTTPStatusCode

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


PHP class to get user IP.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Ip

And to get the user's IP address, simply:



Simple library for managing JSON files.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Json

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


List of 217 language codes: ISO 639-1.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/LanguageCode

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Calculate load time of pages or scripts.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/LoadTime

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library to create logs easily and store them in JSON format.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Logger

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for obtain headers MIME.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/MimeType

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for handling requests.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Request

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for handling routes.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Router

When installing this library, Eliasis will load the routes found in the index "routes" of the configuration files:

                             * config/set-routes.php
                            use Eliasis\Framework\App;

                            $namespace = App::namespaces('controller');

                            return [
                                'routes' => [
                                    'my-route/' => $namespace . 'Home@render'

Add the method to the controller:

                             * src/Controller/Home.php
                            namespace App\Controller;
                            use Eliasis\Framework\Controller;
                            use Josantonius\Asset\Asset;
                            class Home extends Controller
                                public function header()
                                    return '
'; } public function footer() { return '
'; } public function css() { Asset::add('style', App::assets('css')['myFirstStyle'] ); } public function js() { Asset::add('script', App::assets('js')['myFirstScript'] ); } public function createTables() { return $this->model->createTables(); } public function render() { $page = App::path('page'); $layout = App::path('layout'); $this->view->renderizate($layout, 'header', ['data' => 'Header']); $this->view->renderizate($page, 'home', ['data' => 'Home']); $this->view->renderizate($layout, 'footer', ['data' => 'Footer']); } }

When you access the URL "https://site.com/my-route/", the "home" method will be executed and it will execute the "render" method.


Library for handling sessions.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Session

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for string handler.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Str

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Library for URLs manipulation.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/Url

This library is integrated in the core of Eliasis.

WordPress libraries #back to top

Optional library series for WordPress that you can integrate into Eliasis:


Adding, updating and deleting images from WordPress posts.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/WP_Image

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Add menu or submenu page in WordPress.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/WP_Menu

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Display notices in WordPress administration panel.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/WP_Notice

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.


Register, minify and unify CSS and JavaScript resources in WordPress.

To install, simply:

                            composer require Josantonius/WP_Register

This library contains static methods and isn't implemented in the core of Eliasis.

Developed with Eliasis #back to top

List of applications and plugins for WordPress developed with Eliasis Framework.

Search Inside

Extensions For Grifus

License #back to top

2017 - 2018 Josantonius.

Code released under the MIT license.